CARS 2022 Special Session
8-8 Jun 2022 Tokyo (Japan)


A crucial challenge in the field of medical imagery is to mathematically and statistically investigate and model the variability of shapes and positions of anatomical structures from those images. A relevant way of dealing with such issues of medical imagery consists of investigating the topological properties and geometric structures of the organs and tissues. Digital topology and mathematical morphology have been involved in various studies on this subject, while topological data analysis is recently widely used in various fields in order to study the shape and structure of data.

The aim of this session, which is part of CARS 2022 held in Tokyo on June 7-11, 2022, is to bring together scientists, engineers and physicians of medical image analysis, digital topology, mathematical morphology, and topological data analysis to present and discuss new advances in these fields. We expect such interactions will help identifying new research opportunities.

The session is scheduled on June 8th Wednesday late afternoon (16:20-18:30) in JST as a hybrid event.

Call for contributions

Talks (15 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A) are solicited in, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • digital topology
  • mathmatical morphology
  • topological data analysis
  • medical image analysis

We particularly welcome contributions featuring combinations of statistical modeling with topology or mathematical morphology modeling with applications to medical imagery.

The propositions will be in the form of a title and an abstract. The contents may be an original contribution, or a survey on a particular problem, or a recent result already published or submitted.

Please create an account at (if you don't have one) and login with the account (via the login buttom at the top right of the webpage) before submitting a title and an abstract of a talk.


All participants are asked to register on the CARS website. Please contact us before April 25th if you need financial support for the registration fee. 

The registration fees of speakers (for attending the special session at least) will be covered. 

Important dates

  • Deadline for talk proposals: April 21st 24th
  • Notification of acceptance: April 22nd 25th
  • Session date: June 8th


  • Akinobu Shimizu (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
  • Jean Cousty (LIGM, Université Gustave Eiffel - CNRS - ESIEE Paris, France)
  • Yukiko Kenmochi (GREYC, CNRS - Université de Caen Normandie - ENSICAEN, France)
  • Nicolas Passat (CReSTIC, Université de Reims, France)

Institutional support


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